- The Foundation depends almost entirely on volunteer efforts and donations for covering expenses. Donations are welcome and desirable.
- We expect to rely on Federal Government Section 108 and CDBG Program funds together with RDA financing/grants for infrastructure improvements. This is particularly good for shelter or community clinics development. This concept will involve local Municipal government in ownership of facilities in many cases. However, they are also responsible to assure a proper use and payback.
- Many animal projects of specific nature are being identified with detailed budgets so that fund raising can be accomplished using National organizations to get the word to potential donors. These funds will be deposited in separate accounts and strictly monitored to assure that all funds will go directly for the identified project uses.
- Sponsorships by large retailers or pharmaceutical companies as well as pet oriented companies will be sought to undewrite the annual operating costs of the Mobile Clinics, Spay-Neuter Days, Vaccination Drives and even regional shelter costs. This same concept can be used to undewrite education programs. National animal welfare organization support and endorsements will help to create confidence in such potential donors.
- The local municipalities as well as the Commonwealth government will be asked to provide a share of funds from the General Fund to help in operating costs. In addition, a goal is to establish a registration fee for pets with proceeds going to a special fund within each Municipality for use in education and control programs.