To the Board of Directors of The Caribbean Recycling Foundation, Inc. We have compiled the accompanying balance sheet of the Caribbean Recycling Foundation, Inc. as of February 28, 1995 and the related statement of support, revenue, and expenses and changes in fund balance for the six month period then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards of Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting, in the form of financial statements, information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and accordingly we do not express an opinion or any form of assurance on it. Deloitte && Touche LLP March 16, 1995 Stamp No. 1271478
Feb. 28 Dec. 31 ASSETS 1995 1995 Cash $ 148 ($ 10,128) Accounts Receivable $ 4,253 $ 44,912 Contributions Receivable $15,000 $ 0 Inventory $ 298 $ 4,889 Prepaid Expenses $ 100 $ 100 Deferred Expenses $ 7,212 $ 2,428 TOTAL ASSETS $27,011 $ 42,201 LIABILITIES and FUND BALANCE Accounts Payable $14,137 $ 15,024 Due to related Parties(Note 2) $ 8,915 $ 40,277 Sub-Total $23,052 $ 55,301 Fund Balance $ 3,959 ($ 13,100) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $27,011 $ 42,201
SUPPORT AND REVENUE Membership and Journal Fees $ 6,186 $ 11,174 Fund Raising $ 990 $ 14,752 Corporate Contributions $15,000 $ 15,000 TOTAL $22,176 $ 40,926 EXPENSES Public Awarenes $17,596 $ 35,715 Municipal Recycling Costs $ 621 $ 18,311 TOTAL $18,217 $ 54,026 EXCESS OF SUPPORT AND REVENUE OVER EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD AND FUND BALANCE $ 3,959 ($ 13,100)
1. ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Caribbean Recycling Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of Puerto Rico on September 26, 1994 for the purposes of increasing public awareness of environmental and recycling issues and to promote environmental awareness through different community programs. To achieve these goals the Foundation has established three programs: Educational, Municipal Collections and Industrial Collections. The Educational Program will promote and educate the public on environmental and recycling issues. Programs currently in place include the Caribbean Recycling Journal and a school educational program. The school educational program has provided tours of Environmental Plastics to 10 schools to date and there are plans to develop educational materials such as videos. The Municipal Collections program will work with the Municipalities and other local organizations to promote recycling collection programs with over 30 municipalities which will begin in June 1995. The Industrial Collection program will work with industry to promote and develop recycling programs. The financial statements of the Caribbean Recycling Foundation have been prepared on the accrual basis. The significant policies followed are described below to enhance the usefulness of the financial statements to the reader. DONATED SERVICES- No amounts have been reflected in the financial statements for donated services as no objective basis is available to measure the value of such services; however, volunteers have donated amounts of their time in the Foundation's program services. INVENTORY- Inventory consisting of promotional materials is carried at cost and charged to expense when distributed to the public. DEFERRED EXPENSES- Legal costs associated with the incorporation of the Foundation and the preparation of recycling contracts with the Municipalities were capitalized and are amortized over a period of 36 months using the straight-line method. MEMBERSHIP DUES- Membership dues are recognized as revenues in the applicable membership period. CONTRIBUTIONS- Pledges for contributions are recorded as revenues when formal promise to contribute is made by the donor. 2. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES The organization receives management and other services and uses facilities of related parties. As of February 28, 1995 the balance due to related parties consists of $8,240 to Environmental Plastics of P.R.,Inc. and $675 to Environmental Rubber of P.R.,Inc. Deloitte && Touche LLP San Juan, P.R. March 16, 1995